Sisyphus Knits

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Stitch n Pitch

Well, I haven't updated for quite a while & the fans are restless, so I thought I would post some of what I am working on. I went to a Brewer's game on 7/19 with family, cousins, and friends. It was a great game, the Brewers won 10 to 2 or something like that, my cousin played 2nd base & scored a run and got 2 RBIs, so that was fun. As you can see, I am STILL working on the Chevron Scarf, it's about 4 feet long and I am planning on knitting it until I run out of yarn, so it will probably be another four feet soon. I finally got on ravelry, I'm sisyphusknits so stop by & say hi if you're on too.