Sisyphus Knits

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mostly Mittens

I go to the Glenview Public Library a lot, what with my 3 kids and all, and whenever I go, I typically check out one or two books on knitting. Two books that I seem to check out every 3 or 4 weeks are Debbie Bliss' Knitting for Babies and Charlene Schurch Mostly Mittens. In fact, because I check out Mostly Mittens so often, I decided to buy it from Amazon a couple of weeks ago, but as some of you may know, it is out of print and the second hand book thieves are currently asking $240 for that book. So I happened to mention the situation to my husband this weekend, and in fact I said (jokingly) "If I were a less honest person, I would tell the Glenview Public Library that I lost the book, pay the $20, then turn around and sell it for $240 on Amazon." But my husband took this to heart and tried to find the book for me for Valentine's Day. Apparently he spoke with someone at a knitting store in CA (with an online link) and thought he scored a copy, but later they emailed him that they were out of stock. He forwarded their email to me along with this message: " Because I love you so much, I tried getting this book for you, as you will see by this email I did not suceed (sic). Do I get the credit. P.S. I also wanted to make a little profit on the side as you will see by my email at the bottom of the page." You see, he tried to purchase 2 copies, one for me, and one to sell for a profit on Amazon! I told him he should open a hedge fund and specialize in book arbitrage.


Blogger Tamara said...

Hi Liz, I sent an e.mail to the publisher "Lark Books" to ask how you can get a copy of the book "Knitting Marvelous Mittens". I'll let you know they say.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Chicago Jen said...

Oh my gosh, Soooo funny. Your husband and mine would totally get along. Were you able to make it to GROUP last night? I missed you all.

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao - it is the trader in him that makes him do it! John would have done the SAME thing!

BTW, I sent a note to the Yarn Harlot asking advice on the pattern issue....I wonder if I will get a response?

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you get your book - at least one for yourself.

4:24 PM  

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